{****************************************** Параметр TheBit считается в пределах 0..31 ******************************************} unit Bitwise; interface function IsBitSet(const val: longint; const TheBit: byte): boolean;function BitOn(const val: longint; const TheBit: byte): LongInt;function BitOff(const val: longint; const TheBit: byte): LongInt;function BitToggle(const val: longint; const TheBit: byte): LongInt; implementation function IsBitSet(const val: longint; const TheBit: byte): boolean; begin result := (val and (1 shl TheBit)) <> 0;end; function BitOn(const val: longint; const TheBit: byte): LongInt; begin result := val or (1 shl TheBit);end; function BitOff(const val: longint; const TheBit: byte): LongInt; begin result := val and ((1 shl TheBit) xor $FFFFFFFF);end; function BitToggle(const val: longint; const TheBit: byte): LongInt; begin result := val xor (1 shl TheeBit);end; end. |